Thursday, February 5, 2015

Picking up the Slack!

So to start off I apologize for slacking on updating my blog.. There's been so much that has happened that I get too lazy to write about it! But I will quickly touch upon a few of the things we've done since returning from Tobago. Classes started the Monday after we came back from our paradise in Tobago haha. Let me tell you, the way UWI works is so different to PLU and registration was THE most stressful and frustrating process yet. Knowing me, I like to be organized and know my way around things; that's not how things worked here so I learned a lot about myself as I tried to get settled into the campus atmosphere and figure my life out haha. I'm still getting the hang of things around here but I am way less stressed than I was at the beginning, so that's nice haha.
Aside from getting settled into classes, we have gone on a few group trips which have involved getting a tour of T&T's capital, Port of Spain. Getting to see that city and learn the history about the islands from a professional tour guide made me appreciate my surroundings so much more! It would've been one thing to walk around or have a friend show us around but the fact that we were on & off the bus, had someone telling us knowledgeable facts, and pointing out every little thing in the city made the experience so much better. A few days later, we got to go and watch the Malick Folk Performers at their studio. We were welcomed by a very talented group of people. We got a history lesson about the development of dance and music in the Caribbean from the drummers and dancers and it was amazing to watch. We also got to get out there and do the limbo with them and that was fun! They were such nice and beautiful people! Just this past Saturday, we went to a Calypso tent. Calypso is a music genre that started here in Trinidad and the tents are competitions where artists perform for the best song/performance of the year. We went to one called "Kalypso Revue." We watched about 30 singers perform their songs that focused on a variety of issues ranging from education/children, social, political, etc. It was kind of hard to understand some of the words but it was awesome to watch talented people sing about issues that everyone should pay attention to in any society and watch the live band perform for 6 hours straight! It was a really cool experience and atmosphere to get to listen to Calypso at some if its best. On Sunday, we went to the Panorama Semi-Finals and woooow, that was an awesome experience! Panorama is a steelpan band competition and the semi-finals usually attract a large number of people. We arrived and met with Ken who then led us into the arena. Imagine it being like a big outdoor concert, something like Summer Jam. We went through security, which must have only been to check for weapons because we walked in with trays and pans of food and large cases of beer haha. Then we walked up to the stadium seating but the side we were at had no seats. We were with a group and we all had matching t-shirts to show that we were there as one. The opposite side of the arena had seats and that area is for people who are pan enthusiasts and are there just to watch the competitors, Where we were was for all the party people haha. Our side was filled with groups of people that had tables to serve as bars (there were literally bottles on bottles on bottles- don't worry family, I drank responsibly!), and some of the drummers from Malick were there with their instruments. There were other bands on the bleachers because during the time where bands are transitioning on and off stage for competition, the rhythm sections in the stands play their music to keep everyone entertained. Our section was so fun and loud that many people gathered around us every time they played haha. It was pretty cool to watch and listen to! I still can't get over how fun that whole day was because after all that partying, we came back to the lodge in perfect time to watch the Super Bowl. I went and put my Seahawks shirt on & hung up my flag to watch the game. Although the game was filled with stress, suspense, & a horrible play call that caused a loss, I am so proud to be a Hawks fan and represent with pride! The team did their thing & played very well. Along with other games, it made me homesick & wished I could've been with family to watch it but I can't be upset with all the fun stuff going on around me here.
These next two weeks are going to consist of little sleep & lots of water in preparation for Carnival!! I am so excited for everything but a little worried as to how we are going to survive haha. I'll keep you all posted with pictures on Facebook and with the blog! Hope everyone is doing well! Much love!

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