Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Day of Relaxation

Today was a slow day for us. After class ended at noon, I did some organizing in my planner then went outside to see what everyone was up to.. One of the girls put up her hammock in between two palm trees we have in the courtyard so I put on some tanning oil & laid on it for a bit. What started off as tanning turned out to be a 30 minute power nap haha. It was a very nice nap & it was also nice waking up to some tan lines on my very pale legs haha. I am excited to see how much darker I get while here! When I woke up, I did some reading for our next class which wasn't too fun but it was a good use of my time. We had an orientation at 5 pm to talk about our home-stays for the weekend. We were all eager to find out who we will be staying with & who we will be partnered with from the group. We leave tomorrow morning at 8 am to stay with our host families & I'm so excited to see what that's going to be like! I don't want to give away too much information until afterwards so hang on tight! Throughout the day I noticed myself reapplying bug spray. I have been itching like crazy non-stop & I have many mosquito bites to prove it.. I took some time to count up how many bites I had & I counted 58 bites! I bought some ointment to relieve the itching & it helps a bit but it's annoying having to repeatedly reapply throughout the day haha. I'm dealing fine with it but it just sucks when one starts to itch & then another & so on! Dinner arrived by 7 pm again tonight. I am not sure on the name of what we had tonight but it was almost like a macaroni & cheese type of serving with chicken on the side that reminded me of the Mexican dish, mole, & some beans on the side. Once again, I was not disappointed with the food! We watched tv while eating in the lobby & I enjoyed that time with the group. We were watching Ridiculousness on MTV so we were pretty entertained & shared some good laughs haha. Today was a very slow day which was a nice switch up from the other days. We are still adjusting to everything & we're kind of ready to get a consistent schedule going but we definitely can't complain about this down time in paradise! :)

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